The Authentic Creative: expanding our capacity to feel good

Your Mountain Breathwork Infused with Reiki Experience

Siri Baruc Thornton Season 21 Episode 8

sage + blush wellness founder, Siri Baruc Thornton, gives a guided experience that will take you on an epic journey through Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki and gentle yet powerful affirmations and guidance!

Set an intention and allow this space to give you what you need today!

This is not meant to replace the incredible benefits of a live experience! This is just a taste of an experience for you! You can get boat loads of Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki class audios within the sage + blush wellness membership
This also includes live zoom classes with that extra support and magic of being held in the energy of unconditional love and encouraged in real time! Or you can Register for a 10 package private 1:1 Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki series!

For info on tetany (tightness sensations that can come up during breathwork) look on the website under breathwork for the section called Tetany. It's totally natural, normal, for you and always evens out by the end.

Feel free to reach out to with any questions or shares about your experience! I'd love to hear how your breathing was for you!!!

Join my love notes on Or email me: to be added. I can't wait to connect with you!!!

Join the Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki Membership!

Join our In-person Mountain Breathwork infused with Reiki experience in LA Nov 6th!

Hi Soul Sisters and Brothers! It’s a profound gift to have found you! I was born in an American Sikh yoga ashram but mainly grew up with Reiki masters, channelers and meditation teachers in Vermont and was an actor performer my whole life on the East Coast and in LA and traveled the world for films. I’m a domestic CEO, Mountain Breathwork teacher, Akashic teacher, Reiki Master of Masters, Human Design reader, Buddhist practitioner, music and dance and dog lover! I look forward to meeting you!!!

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